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 You know you're obsessed with HP when...

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You know you're obsessed with HP when... Empty
PostSubject: You know you're obsessed with HP when...   You know you're obsessed with HP when... EmptySun Aug 15, 2010 4:10 pm

Let's make up our own and keep adding to the list whenever you have a new one! Here's to the Boy Who Lived! (:~|>

-You refer to the people you live with as Muggles
-Those Muggles think you're a bit off your rocker when it comes to HP but you think it's perfectly sane
-You say "Lumos" to turn the light on
-Even if you've read the series 10+ times, it's still not enough
-You celebrate the character's birthdays and Wizarding Independence Day

Continue on! Smile It doesn't matter how old the topic is because I think it would still be fun to read what everyone has to say, even if it's weeks from now.
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You know you're obsessed with HP when... Empty
PostSubject: Re: You know you're obsessed with HP when...   You know you're obsessed with HP when... EmptySun Aug 15, 2010 8:59 pm

-When you can't find something you immediately think "I need a Hufflepuff"
-When you need to get something you say "Accio [object]"
-One only needs to glance once into your room to know you're obsessed with Harry Potter
-You can make a HP reference out of anything
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Location : Normally Pigfarts, but sometimes I'm at Hogwarts

You know you're obsessed with HP when... Empty
PostSubject: Re: You know you're obsessed with HP when...   You know you're obsessed with HP when... EmptyMon Aug 16, 2010 12:00 am

-The "geeks" at school think you're weird for liking Harry Potter so much
-Whenever you're mad, you think,"I'm going to cruico them, and then avada kedavra those blast ended skanks."
-Whenever you're at a book store and see a Harry Potter book, you can't help but be smile, because you know someone else will buy those books and discover the magic
-You listen to wrock more than "normal" music
-You have written a paper at school that has something to do with Harry Potter
-When you see the name Bella, you automatically think Bellatrix Lestrange, not Twilight
-You're planning on giving a Hogwarts acceptance letter to a Harry Potter fan you know who's going to turn 11
-You meet someone, in your mind, you "sort" them into Hogwarts houses
-Your dreams usually involve Harry Potter
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You know you're obsessed with HP when... Empty
PostSubject: Re: You know you're obsessed with HP when...   You know you're obsessed with HP when... EmptyMon Aug 16, 2010 12:08 am

-You listen/sing 'Back To Hogwarts' when going to School.
-You change your school subject to Hogwarts versions.
-You dress up for any Harry Potter event
- When watching the movies, you always think about what is REALLY suppose to happen.
- You have multiple copies of the books.
- You use wizard swears
- most of your bookmarked sites are Harry Potter related.
- You can quote a passage of Harry Potter or quote a Scene for AVPM/S or PPP

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You know you're obsessed with HP when... Empty
PostSubject: Re: You know you're obsessed with HP when...   You know you're obsessed with HP when... EmptyMon Aug 16, 2010 12:47 am

-You design multiple t-shirts for yourself and your other harry potter fan friends with awesome quotes
-Every time you hear Eminem rap "So I solemnly swear..." in Not Afraid you think of "I solemnly swear I am up to no good."
-When at a Rihanna concert and you see a black dog on the screen you immediately think of Sirius
-At the same concert you try multiple times to get your message up on the screen that you can text in that says "Did you get mah text?"
-For your birthday your friend gives you sheet music for Hedwig's Theme.
-Your friends don't ask anymore when you randomly say things related to AVPM/AVPS.
-You have an agenda that says "The Boy Who LIved...Lives On."
-There are post its all over your room with quotes related to HP.
-You constantly check HP websites, including this one and AverageWizard.com, in your spare time.
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You know you're obsessed with HP when... Empty
PostSubject: Re: You know you're obsessed with HP when...   You know you're obsessed with HP when... EmptyMon Aug 16, 2010 1:13 am

foreshadowing7815 wrote:
-Your friends don't ask anymore when you randomly say things related to AVPM/AVPS.

LOL! My family and friends stopped asking and just figure it's AVPM/AVPS when I start laughing or quoting it!

These all sound totally awesome, everyone! Smile

-When the weather turns dark, you blame the Dementors.
-Your heart is still broken from the characters that were killed :'(
-You look up colleges that play Quidditch.
-If you're in a bad mood, your day is automatically brightened by HP.
-You go on Omegle.com and start quoting AVPM/AVPS to strangers.
-You change your computer's wallpaper to something HP related and you rename your desktop icons to places, classes, or items from HP.
-You try to get people to read HP if they haven't.
-You've drawn a Homemade Dark Mark or gotten the Dark Mark tattooed.
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Location : second to the right, and straight on 'til morning!

You know you're obsessed with HP when... Empty
PostSubject: Re: You know you're obsessed with HP when...   You know you're obsessed with HP when... EmptyMon Aug 16, 2010 1:15 am

-People no longer ask when you quote something, because they know it's either Potter, PPP, or AVPM/S.
-95% of your Facebook posts are HP related
-Your friends all call you Hermione
-Your mom will no longer let you talk about HP because EVERY SINGLE FREAKING CONVERSATION YOU HAVE WITH HER INVOLVES IT!!!
-You'd rather go to the WWoHP than anywhere else
-It's a bigger insult than anything else to be called a m--b---d.
-Your favorite actors are ALL from AVPM or HP
-You know the names of all the actors in AVPM and HP movies
-Your most visited websites are Potter related
-Most of your friends are Harry Potter fans that you may never have met
-You spend a lot of time on HP related sites
-Nerds and dorks think you're weird for your obsession
-You shout "AVADA KEDAVRA!" at someone whenever they annoy you
-Whenever someone says "...find..." you shout "HUFFLEPUFF!"
-Your Facebook profile picture isn't of you, it's of something from HP or AVPM
-You're not counting down to your birthday, you're counting down to DH part 1
-You know the dates of the releases off the top of your head, and also several character's birthdays and Wizarding Independence Day
-You can make anything- ANYTHING- relate to Harry Potter, and have proved this on several occasions
-You have never been defeated in Harry Potter trivia by anyone you know in real life
-You have 6 or more Harry Potter shirts
-The majority of artistic things you make have to do with HP
-If something goes wrong, you blame it on Nargles
-When a conversation gets awkward, instead of saying "awkward turtle!" or "gay baby!" you say "wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure..." in a sing-song voice
-Most every conversation you have has a Potter reference in it
-You listen to the books on tape more than you listen to normal music
-The songs you listen to most are either Wrock or from AVPM/S
-You can easily rant about Harry Potter for more than three days straight without stopping
-When you tell people about Harry Potter and your obsession, they ask you if you're sure you don't have OCD or something
-If a book or TV show references Harry Potter, you know you'll like it
-You could go on and on on this topic because your whole life is pretty magical
-You have a whole journal devoted to Harry Potter related stuff

I'll stop now, because I'm tired.
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You know you're obsessed with HP when... Empty
PostSubject: Re: You know you're obsessed with HP when...   You know you're obsessed with HP when... EmptyMon Aug 16, 2010 1:13 pm

- You cry every now and then because of the pure message of love and hope Harry's story radiates from its pages and is intertwined within the words means so much to you that you can breakdown in the middle of the supermarket for all you care and cry for the Boy Who Lived and all those who died to help in the fight against evil.
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You know you're obsessed with HP when... Empty
PostSubject: Re: You know you're obsessed with HP when...   You know you're obsessed with HP when... EmptyMon Aug 16, 2010 11:14 pm

- You've changed your contacts on your phone to Harry Potter Characters
- You plan on forcing your future children to read Harry Potter
- You've have dressed up as a Harry Potter character for Halloween.
- You've been to a Midnight Book release.
- You have taken a Picture in front of the DH movie poster in the theatre.
- You've filmed your own version of the Harry Potter movies.
- You declare Lupin is out tonight when its a Full Moon.
- You scream Hi to Sirius when you see a great black dog
- When the street lights flicker on and off, you assume Dumbledore/Ron is in town.
- You cried when you didn't get your Hogwarts letter
-You tell your parents you'll be of the age at 17
-You want a watch for your 17th birthday
- You want someone to ask you to be the Hermione to there Ron ( Ginny to there Harry, etc)
- You've corrupted others to read the magical series.
-You've read the books (first time around) it record timing.
- You get dressed up for Harry Potter events, that your friends/parents pretend they don't know you
- You talk to the snakes at the Zoo
- You have attempted a British accent
-You're having Harry's 17th birthday cake as your birthday cake.
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You know you're obsessed with HP when... Empty
PostSubject: Re: You know you're obsessed with HP when...   You know you're obsessed with HP when... EmptyTue Aug 17, 2010 4:12 pm

- If you ever have to name something (like a pet, a child, etc.) you name it after a Harry Potter name/term
- You plan for you child's life to be everything Harry Potter from reading the books to them to having their first word a HP-related word
- You exclaim loudly how Muggles can dream up all these things from fellytones to eclectricity
- You are a witch or wizard no matter what any one says.
- You know Harry Potter loves Zac Efron the most.
- You are beyond a fan of Harry Potter and have reached new levels of obsession the world has never seen. Harry Potter is your way of life.
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You know you're obsessed with HP when... Empty
PostSubject: Re: You know you're obsessed with HP when...   You know you're obsessed with HP when... EmptyMon Aug 23, 2010 2:32 pm

-You "squee" when you find out the singer for your favorite band has a dog named for the series. (Shirley Manson [Garbage], who has a terrier mix named Veela.)
-You buy several yards of very expensive fabric just because you think they'd make great dress robes.
-You learned how to knit just so you could make House scarves.
-You listen to "Hedwig's Theme" from the first HP soundtrack while studying, because it makes you feel as smart as Hermione.
-You call your favorite teacher/professor "Lupin" and your least favorite "Umbridge".
-You can no longer say "That's absurd!" without stretching it out, like Joe Moses.
-The cashiers at Hot Topic know you as "the kid who always drops $100 here whenever we have Harry Potter merch."
-You've attempted to learn to write with a quill.
-You're convinced that your cat is part Kneazle.
-The wisest person you know is now known as "Dumbledore".
-You get/want to get a tattoo that has something to do with your favorite character.
-You literally feel pain whenever someone compares *ahem* That Other Series to HP.
-You know *ahem* The Fanged Fae are really just Inferi with glitter paint.
-Your go-to surprised expression is either "Oh my Rowling!" or "Oh my Wizard God!"
-You can't listen to Hoobastank's "The Reason" without thinking of "The Prince's Tale".
-You openly cry for all of the characters who died in the series, and don't care what anyone else thinks of it.
-You can't decide if you'd rather have a lightsaber or a wand.
-You've stopped wearing contact lenses in favor of glasses, 'cause "glasses are for nerds!" Damn skippy!
-You really only like certain non-Wrock songs because they remind you of someone from HP.
-You have watched AVPM/S more times than is sane or healthy. (*scoff* That's absuuuuuurd! There's no such thing as "too much" when it comes to AVPM/S!)
-You've tried to learn the Elder Swear.
-You've dreamed up your own HP parody.
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You know you're obsessed with HP when... Empty
PostSubject: Re: You know you're obsessed with HP when...   You know you're obsessed with HP when... EmptyMon Aug 23, 2010 4:15 pm

You can't watch a normal movie without quoting HP or AVPM/S. (For example, I just saw Sorcerer's Apprentice- 6 HP references, 7 AVPS references, and 4 AVPM, including singing "Not Alone.")
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You know you're obsessed with HP when... Empty
PostSubject: Re: You know you're obsessed with HP when...   You know you're obsessed with HP when... EmptyFri Oct 08, 2010 5:26 pm

I'm not sure if this belongs here, but I couldn't find a better spot and didn't want to make a new topic altogether. I've noticed over the past few weeks, my love of Harry Potter has been fading. This happens to me with everything I've ever loved: I love it, quote it, re-read it, make crafts, sing songs (when available Razz), but then it goes as far as it will get, people make comments, I start to pull away from it, and then any time someone brings it up once I've put it down, it feels... wrong. I really, REALLY don't want this to happen with HP like it's happened with everything else (some examples are Avatar: The Last Airbender, A Series of Unfortunate Events, Naruto and some other animes, etc.). I don't know, I guess I'm just the sort of person that's very prone to taking comments, looks, and thoughts to heart. But does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can keep HP alive? I would be extra depressed if I let it fade away like everything else. Help?
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You know you're obsessed with HP when... Empty
PostSubject: Re: You know you're obsessed with HP when...   You know you're obsessed with HP when... EmptyFri Oct 08, 2010 6:03 pm

MyMischiefManaged wrote:
I'm not sure if this belongs here, but I couldn't find a better spot and didn't want to make a new topic altogether. I've noticed over the past few weeks, my love of Harry Potter has been fading. This happens to me with everything I've ever loved: I love it, quote it, re-read it, make crafts, sing songs (when available ), but then it goes as far as it will get, people make comments, I start to pull away from it, and then any time someone brings it up once I've put it down, it feels... wrong. I really, REALLY don't want this to happen with HP like it's happened with everything else (some examples are Avatar: The Last Airbender, A Series of Unfortunate Events, Naruto and some other animes, etc.). I don't know, I guess I'm just the sort of person that's very prone to taking comments, looks, and thoughts to heart. But does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can keep HP alive? I would be extra depressed if I let it fade away like everything else. Help?

In my opinion, it's alright to maybe slip away from an obsession for a while, because like they say, too much of anything is not good. As long as, no matter what, Harry's story still burns in your heart and you don't stop liking it and start hating it altogether. But, if the reason why you wish to completely halt it because of looks and comments, and you don't want it to, then just be like Luna! Still believing what you wish (in this case, still obsessing), oblivious of anyone else. And those people making the comments and thoughts? They're just probably jealous of you and your awesomeness.

I have more to tell on the subject, but if I go on, it'll probably end up being 2 pages long. Plus, I don't think I'm a very good advice-giver, and I have to step away from the computer now, so I'll leave you in the hands of the other epic people who frequent this website, and are probably much better at giving advice than I am. But good luck! Very Happy
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You know you're obsessed with HP when... Empty
PostSubject: Re: You know you're obsessed with HP when...   You know you're obsessed with HP when... EmptyFri Oct 08, 2010 6:19 pm

♥LunaLuv wrote:
MyMischiefManaged wrote:
I'm not sure if this belongs here, but I couldn't find a better spot and didn't want to make a new topic altogether. I've noticed over the past few weeks, my love of Harry Potter has been fading. This happens to me with everything I've ever loved: I love it, quote it, re-read it, make crafts, sing songs (when available ), but then it goes as far as it will get, people make comments, I start to pull away from it, and then any time someone brings it up once I've put it down, it feels... wrong. I really, REALLY don't want this to happen with HP like it's happened with everything else (some examples are Avatar: The Last Airbender, A Series of Unfortunate Events, Naruto and some other animes, etc.). I don't know, I guess I'm just the sort of person that's very prone to taking comments, looks, and thoughts to heart. But does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can keep HP alive? I would be extra depressed if I let it fade away like everything else. Help?

In my opinion, it's alright to maybe slip away from an obsession for a while, because like they say, too much of anything is not good. As long as, no matter what, Harry's story still burns in your heart and you don't stop liking it and start hating it altogether. But, if the reason why you wish to completely halt it because of looks and comments, and you don't want it to, then just be like Luna! Still believing what you wish (in this case, still obsessing), oblivious of anyone else. And those people making the comments and thoughts? They're just probably jealous of you and your awesomeness.

I have more to tell on the subject, but if I go on, it'll probably end up being 2 pages long. Plus, I don't think I'm a very good advice-giver, and I have to step away from the computer now, so I'll leave you in the hands of the other epic people who frequent this website, and are probably much better at giving advice than I am. But good luck! Very Happy

Thanks! It's just really got me bummed out, because whenever I start to fade away from something, I end up not liking it anymore in the long run. Thanks for the advice!
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You know you're obsessed with HP when... Empty
PostSubject: Re: You know you're obsessed with HP when...   You know you're obsessed with HP when... EmptyFri Oct 08, 2010 6:25 pm

MyMischiefManaged wrote:
♥LunaLuv wrote:
MyMischiefManaged wrote:
I'm not sure if this belongs here, but I couldn't find a better spot and didn't want to make a new topic altogether. I've noticed over the past few weeks, my love of Harry Potter has been fading. This happens to me with everything I've ever loved: I love it, quote it, re-read it, make crafts, sing songs (when available ), but then it goes as far as it will get, people make comments, I start to pull away from it, and then any time someone brings it up once I've put it down, it feels... wrong. I really, REALLY don't want this to happen with HP like it's happened with everything else (some examples are Avatar: The Last Airbender, A Series of Unfortunate Events, Naruto and some other animes, etc.). I don't know, I guess I'm just the sort of person that's very prone to taking comments, looks, and thoughts to heart. But does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can keep HP alive? I would be extra depressed if I let it fade away like everything else. Help?

In my opinion, it's alright to maybe slip away from an obsession for a while, because like they say, too much of anything is not good. As long as, no matter what, Harry's story still burns in your heart and you don't stop liking it and start hating it altogether. But, if the reason why you wish to completely halt it because of looks and comments, and you don't want it to, then just be like Luna! Still believing what you wish (in this case, still obsessing), oblivious of anyone else. And those people making the comments and thoughts? They're just probably jealous of you and your awesomeness.

I have more to tell on the subject, but if I go on, it'll probably end up being 2 pages long. Plus, I don't think I'm a very good advice-giver, and I have to step away from the computer now, so I'll leave you in the hands of the other epic people who frequent this website, and are probably much better at giving advice than I am. But good luck! Very Happy

Thanks! It's just really got me bummed out, because whenever I start to fade away from something, I end up not liking it anymore in the long run. Thanks for the advice!

Just take a little break from Harry Potter. Then when you go back to it, you'll like it all over again. Smile With me, sometimes I'll calm my Harry Potter obsession down but then it just bursts out again when I reread the books. So just give it a break for a while and then go back to it. Hopefully you won't completely get over it though! Since Deathly Hallows is coming out, you can give yourself a break until November and then maybe the movie will make you fall in love with it all over again and want to keep your love for HP alive.
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You know you're obsessed with HP when... Empty
PostSubject: Re: You know you're obsessed with HP when...   You know you're obsessed with HP when... EmptySat Oct 09, 2010 7:10 am

-you've watched AVPM/AVPS more than 100 times Smile
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You know you're obsessed with HP when... Empty
PostSubject: Re: You know you're obsessed with HP when...   You know you're obsessed with HP when... EmptyMon Nov 08, 2010 4:35 am

- When something happens and your friend tells you not to make a Harry Potter reference before you even open your mouth.
- When you think 'Confundus' instead of 'Psych' when you want someone to screw up.
- When every bookmark on your computer is a link to something HP related.
- When someone asks you what job you would like to do and the first thing you think is 'auror'.
- When every pet you own is named after something from Harry Potter and you make similar suggestions to everyone you know.
- When a new HP book or movie coming out is the best day of the year, including birthdays, christmas etc.
-When zoning out becomes thinking about Harry Potter.
- When everything you ever want to do is HP related.
- When you hate people passionately who insult HP.
- When you buy tickets months in advance for DH premiere and they are your most valuable possession and you are planning on dressing up for the movie.

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Location : An hour from Wizarding World of Harry Potter

You know you're obsessed with HP when... Empty
PostSubject: Re: You know you're obsessed with HP when...   You know you're obsessed with HP when... EmptyThu Mar 10, 2011 7:38 pm

-You write a spellbook for your little brother to carry with him
-You long for the day people make random flying Snitches and heat-seeking Bludgers
-You blame Nargles. Always.
-You bring a wand to school in your backpack and duel your friends.
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You know you're obsessed with HP when... Empty
PostSubject: Re: You know you're obsessed with HP when...   You know you're obsessed with HP when... EmptySun Mar 13, 2011 8:41 pm

You have a "How to Survive the Second Wizarding War" folder.

Siiiighhh.... it's becoming dead again around here.
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