Well, we may not be big at the moment but I feel really comfortable on this website so far! Everyone's just so nice and friendly. Just thought I'd mention that.
But, we really want to spread the word and bring our family together. I think we should try posting a link in the comments of posts, especially popular ones, and hopefully more people will notice and come over.
But make sure there already isn't a link there. We don't want people to get annoyed with spam. And if a post about this site hasn't gone through about this forum yet, we should really get one through. Maybe every one on here can have a hand at writing what they would write for a submission about this website, and we choose the best one to see if it gets posted. It should be warm and friendly and not commanding like, "Hey! You! Yeah, you! Go to this website!" or something like that. But don't worry. We'll get bigger eventually!