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 Harry Potter Challenge

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Harry Potter Challenge Empty
PostSubject: Harry Potter Challenge   Harry Potter Challenge EmptyThu Aug 26, 2010 2:51 pm

There's another challenge going around on Tumblr. Feel free to take it! I love reading the answers! Smile Some of the questions are hard, for me at last, because I hate choosing one over the other. >_<

Day 1: Your fave book.
Day 2: Your fave movie.
Day 3: Is there any of the films adaptations that have made you angry because they’ve ignored important parts of the book.
Day 4: Least fave female character and why.
Day 5: Fave male character and why.
Day 6: What house would you want to be in.
Day 7: Fave female character and why.
Day 8: What do you think would be your fave lesson.
Day 9: Least fave male character.
Day 10: Horcruxes or Hallows.
Day 11: What character would you say you are most like.
Day 12: Fave ship.
Day 13: Least fave movie.
Day 14: Team Voldermort or Team harry.
Day 15: Who would be your best friends at hogwarts. (three only)
Day 16: Fave professor
Day 17: Are you excited about The Deathly Hallows movie or scared it won’t do the book justice.
Day 18: Least fave book.
Day 19: Do you prefer the books or films.
Day 20: If you had to meet one member of the cast, who would it be.
Day 21: Out of all the characters that died, if you could bring one back, who would it be.
Day 22: Harry Potter or Twilight
Day 23: Any part of the books/movies that makes you cry.
Day 24: Any particular scene you wished would have been put in the movie but it wasn’t.
Day 25: Nineteen years later. Are you happy how it turned out, or do you wish something was different, ie Neville married Luna.
Day 26: If you could be able to work one spell without a wand what would it be.
Day 27: Would you rather own The Invisibility Cloak, The Resurrection Stone or The Elder Wand.
Day 28: Do you listen to Wizard Wrock, what do you think about it.
Day 29: Did you enjoy A Very Potter Musical.
Day 30: What affect has Harry Potter made on your life and how much does it mean to you.
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Harry Potter Challenge Empty
PostSubject: Re: Harry Potter Challenge   Harry Potter Challenge EmptyThu Aug 26, 2010 3:37 pm

Um, I'm just gonna answer these all at once because I re-read the series this summer and have everything fresh in my mind.

Day 1: Your fave book.
Prisoner of Azkaban
Day 2: Your fave movie.
Sorcerer's/Philosopher's Stone
Day 3: Is there any of the films adaptations that have made you angry because they’ve ignored important parts of the book.
...Well, in the Prisoner of Azkaban movie, they left out Nifflers... I got somewhat angry over that because that was one of my favorite parts. At least I think it was Prisoner of Azkaban.
Day 4: Least fave female character and why.
Dolores Umbridge. Can't stand that woman. I don't think I need to explain why. xD
Day 5: Fave male character and why.
Fred Weasley. He makes me smile every time he talks. (It's a tie with Fred and George, but it just said to put one so I chose Fred, my imaginary boyfriend xD)
Day 6: What house would you want to be in.
Anything is good for me, and it changes a lot.
Day 7: Fave female character and why.
I like Professor McGonagall (even though I can never spell her name). She always stuck me as a sort of stern but loving mother figure for Harry.
Day 8: What do you think would be your fave lesson.
Lesson in terms of what class I would take? I think I'd enjoy Defense Against the Dark Arts.
Day 9: Least fave male character.
Cornelius Fudge. He bothered me so much when he refused to believe Voldemort was real, and loved Harry and stopped treating Harry well as soon as the media didn't like him.
Day 10: Horcruxes or Hallows.
Hallows. You wouldn't need Horcruxes if you had Hallows.
Day 11: What character would you say you are most like.
I.... have no idea.
Day 12: Fave ship.
Snape/Lily. I thought it was super cute after reading about Snape's worst memory.
Day 13: Least fave movie.
...I'd have to say Order of the Phoenix. I'm not sure why.
Day 14: Team Voldermort or Team harry.
Harry. He defeated Voldemort when he was a baby, he was even cool when he was a baby, both his parents died when he was a baby, he grew up abused, without any love (to quote Potter Puppet Pals xD)
Day 15: Who would be your best friends at hogwarts. (three only)
Luna Lovegood, Fred/George Weasley (I can't choose between them. Fred's my boyfriend, but George is my best friend, so... xDDDD), and Draco Malfoy (I can't stand him, [EDIT: but before the third movie came out I had a crush on him, to be honest... I didn't mention it earlier because I was embarassed Razz])
Day 16: Fave professor
Professor Lupin. He was a real friend to Harry.
Day 17: Are you excited about The Deathly Hallows movie or scared it won’t do the book justice.
A little bit of both.
Day 18: Least fave book.
I like them all. But if I have to choose, I'd say Goblet of Fire. The only parts I can remember actually reading and paying attention is when Cedric died, the beginning with Nagini, and I think I was on the toilet when I read the part when Harry was rescuing Ron in the second task. (Usually I can remember actually reading a lot more than that. I remember the plot, but those parts I can remember what I was doing).
Day 19: Do you prefer the books or films.
Books. Films leave out all the best little details.
Day 20: If you had to meet one member of the cast, who would it be.
Oh, that's a tough one. Probably one of the Phelps twins (Fred or George Weasley. I think you can tell by now that I'm a Weasley twins fangirl. I have homemade "R.I.P. Fred" posters all over my room right now).
Day 21: Out of all the characters that died, if you could bring one back, who would it be.
Oh, man. I know, it's probably a sin not to say Dumbledore, but I'd say Fred.
Day 22: Harry Potter or Twilight
Why are you even asking me this? I think it goes without saying that the only reasonable, rational answer is Harry Potter.
Day 23: Any part of the books/movies that makes you cry.
Cedric's death (I kept my sister up half the night sobbing. Back then we shared a room and I was about nine... xD). Dobby's death. Dumbledore's death. Snape's death. Fred's death (I found out he died before I even had the chance to read the book because my sister read it first and freaked out).
Day 24: Any particular scene you wished would have been put in the movie but it wasn’t.
Hm. I'm not sure. Probably more Care of Magical Creatures lessons.
Day 25: Nineteen years later. Are you happy how it turned out, or do you wish something was different, ie Neville married Luna.
I think I'm happy with what happened.
Day 26: If you could be able to work one spell without a wand what would it be.
Day 27: Would you rather own The Invisibility Cloak, The Resurrection Stone or The Elder Wand.
I'm not sure. Probably the Invisibility Cloak.
Day 28: Do you listen to Wizard Wrock, what do you think about it.
Yes, I listen to Wrock! I think it's awesome. Some songs are silly and fun and you can dance to them (Ministry of Magic's Gryffindor Rally Cry, etc.), but some are serious and actually pretty sad (Ministry of Magic's The Phoenix Lament).
Day 29: Did you enjoy A Very Potter Musical.
Yes. It was Totally Awesome. Smile
Day 30: What affect has Harry Potter made on your life and how much does it mean to you.
It means everything to me. Harry Potter and everyone in it was sort of my only friend in sixth grade because I switched to a school where a knew nobody.

(Wow, that's really long. Sorry about that! Maybe I should have done it day-by-day like you're supposed to... xD)

Last edited by MyMischiefManaged on Tue Sep 07, 2010 6:34 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Harry Potter Challenge Empty
PostSubject: Re: Harry Potter Challenge   Harry Potter Challenge EmptyThu Aug 26, 2010 3:43 pm

MyMischiefManaged wrote:

(Wow, that's really long. Sorry about that! Maybe I should have done it day-by-day like you're supposed to... xD)

It's okay! I'd rather read them all at once than day by day. I think day by day just works better on Tumblr. Plus there would be a lot of posts from everyone if it was day by day Razz

And I completely agree on Day 5! I actually pretend that too, haha! Very Happy A lot of my answers are the same as yours, actually! We have a lot in common! XD
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Harry Potter Challenge Empty
PostSubject: Re: Harry Potter Challenge   Harry Potter Challenge EmptyThu Aug 26, 2010 3:48 pm

myfriendisdobby wrote:
MyMischiefManaged wrote:

(Wow, that's really long. Sorry about that! Maybe I should have done it day-by-day like you're supposed to... xD)

It's okay! I'd rather read them all at once than day by day. I think day by day just works better on Tumblr. Plus there would be a lot of posts from everyone if it was day by day Razz

And I completely agree on Day 5! I actually pretend that too, haha! Very Happy A lot of my answers are the same as yours, actually! We have a lot in common! XD

Are a lot of our answers the same? I'd like to read some of your answers, then, just to see which ones hehehe. They're fun to read! Also, yes, Fred is my imaginary boyfriend. Everyone else just THINKS I'm single. xD
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Harry Potter Challenge Empty
PostSubject: Re: Harry Potter Challenge   Harry Potter Challenge EmptyThu Aug 26, 2010 4:44 pm

*twitch* Here goes: *twitch*

Day 1: Your fave book. Goblet of Fire.
Day 2: Your fave movie. Believe it or not, Order of the Phoenix. It's my least favorite of the books (did we really need ten chapters chock-full of the Dursleys and minute details about cleaning Grimmauld Place?), so I was really happy when they cut the more boring parts of the book and focused on Harry's struggle with Umbridge and the Ministry.
Day 3: Is there any of the films adaptations that have made you angry because they’ve ignored important parts of the book. Goblet of Fire. RAAAAAAGE.
Day 4: Least fave female character and why. Umbridge, partly because she's a monster and partly because I had a dean in high school who was entirely too much like her.
Day 5: Fave male character and why. Snape. I love how much character development he got, and his backstory made everything else make sense.
Day 6: What house would you want to be in. Ravenclaw. Maybe Gryffindor, but I think I'd be more suited to Ravenclaw.
Day 7: Fave female character and why. Hermione; she's just awesome.
Day 8: What do you think would be your fave lesson. Hm... Potions would probably be my best, because I'm a really good cook. And I love animals, so Care of Magical Creatures. And Defense Against the Dark Arts would be interesting, as would Transfiguration, Astronomy, and Charms. And... Oh, the hell with it; I wanna take all the classes!
Day 9: Least fave male character. Vernon Dursley. For many (and, I hope, obvious) reasons.
Day 10: Horcruxes or Hallows. Hallows; I kind of like my soul, and I like it in one piece.
Day 11: What character would you say you are most like. Hm. Well, I think if you took Hermione's brains, Snape's sarcasm and loyalty, Fred and George's humor, and Harry's temper, you'd be pretty close to the mark.
Day 12: Fave ship. Canon? All except Tonks/Lupin. Non-canon: Snape/Lily, Remus/Sirius, and Snape/Hermione.
Day 13: Least fave movie. Goblet of Fire. Once again, RAAAAAAAGE!
Day 14: Team Voldemort or Team Harry. Team Harry.
Day 15: Who would be your best friends at Hogwarts. (three only) Probably Hermione and Luna.
Day 16: Fave professor: McGonagall or Lupin. If I was as good at Potions as I think I'd be, I think Snape and I would get along, as long as we didn't have to actually talk to each other.
Day 17: Are you excited about The Deathly Hallows movie or scared it won’t do the book justice. I'm staying neutral on this.
Day 18: Least fave book. Order of the Phoenix.
Day 19: Do you prefer the books or films. The books, of course!
Day 20: If you had to meet one member of the cast, who would it be. I've met Alan Rickman (Snape), and he is a giant freakin' teddy bear. I'm not kidding; he is the nicest guy you'll ever meet. And he's funny, too. If I could meet any other member of the cast, it would be Daniel Radcliffe.
Day 21: Out of all the characters that died, if you could bring one back, who would it be. ... I'm having a hard time deciding between Snape and Tonks, but I think I'd ultimately choose Tonks. I think Snape's life was so miserable that he may have wanted to die during the Battle of Hogwarts (just not with the great dirty snake).
Day 22: Harry Potter or Twilight: You dare mention Twatlight in the same breath as Harry Potter?! SACRELIGE!!!
Day 23: Any part of the books/movies that makes you cry. The deaths in Deathly Hallows. All of them, but since Snape is my favorite character... Yeah.
Day 24: Any particular scene you wished would have been put in the movie but it wasn’t. Snape showing his Dark Mark to Fudge. That was such an important part of his character, and I can't think of any good reason for them to leave it out.
Day 25: Nineteen years later. Are you happy how it turned out, or do you wish something was different, ie Neville married Luna. I think it turned out the way it should have.
Day 26: If you could be able to work one spell without a wand what would it be. Scourgify. I am such a messy person, and I hate cleaning.
Day 27: Would you rather own The Invisibility Cloak, The Resurrection Stone or The Elder Wand. The Invisibility Cloak.
Day 28: Do you listen to Wizard Wrock, what do you think about it. I listen to the WZRD podcast on my Zune. I like most of it. I think my favorite is Ministry of Magic.
Day 29: Did you enjoy A Very Potter Musical. Yes, yes, YES!!!
Day 30: What effect has Harry Potter made on your life and how much does it mean to you? I think it's made me a stronger person, as far as defying people when they're wrong (since I started reading the books after my mother forbade me). It definitely means a lot to me.
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Harry Potter Challenge Empty
PostSubject: Re: Harry Potter Challenge   Harry Potter Challenge EmptyThu Aug 26, 2010 5:42 pm

MyMischiefManaged wrote:
myfriendisdobby wrote:
MyMischiefManaged wrote:

(Wow, that's really long. Sorry about that! Maybe I should have done it day-by-day like you're supposed to... xD)

It's okay! I'd rather read them all at once than day by day. I think day by day just works better on Tumblr. Plus there would be a lot of posts from everyone if it was day by day Razz

And I completely agree on Day 5! I actually pretend that too, haha! Very Happy A lot of my answers are the same as yours, actually! We have a lot in common! XD

Are a lot of our answers the same? I'd like to read some of your answers, then, just to see which ones hehehe. They're fun to read! Also, yes, Fred is my imaginary boyfriend. Everyone else just THINKS I'm single. xD

I haven't actually taken the whole challenge yet. I'm doing it day by day on my Tumblr but when I first read the questions, I already had ideas in my head. Some of the same ones we have are: last favorite female character, favorite male character, favorite lesson, least favorite movie, of course Team Harry (I LOVED your answer to that, by the way!), favorite professor, and most of the rest! Smile I would do it on here but I don't want to do it all at once. >_< Well, maybe I will soon. I can't decide XD

And I have no idea why Tw*l*ght was even mentioned in this challenge because it's already established that HP is and will always be better.
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Harry Potter Challenge Empty
PostSubject: Re: Harry Potter Challenge   Harry Potter Challenge EmptyThu Aug 26, 2010 5:43 pm

tenderlumpling wrote:

Day 20: If you had to meet one member of the cast, who would it be. I've met Alan Rickman (Snape), and he is a giant freakin' teddy bear. I'm not kidding; he is the nicest guy you'll ever meet. And he's funny, too. If I could meet any other member of the cast, it would be Daniel Radcliffe.

OMWG. You met him?! I'm so jealous! He seems so fun to talk to! How did you meet him?!
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Harry Potter Challenge Empty
PostSubject: Re: Harry Potter Challenge   Harry Potter Challenge EmptyThu Aug 26, 2010 6:09 pm

myfriendisdobby wrote:
tenderlumpling wrote:

Day 20: If you had to meet one member of the cast, who would it be. I've met Alan Rickman (Snape), and he is a giant freakin' teddy bear. I'm not kidding; he is the nicest guy you'll ever meet. And he's funny, too. If I could meet any other member of the cast, it would be Daniel Radcliffe.

OMWG. You met him?! I'm so jealous! He seems so fun to talk to! How did you meet him?!

I went to NYC to see a play he was directing, "Creditors", and I met him backstage. I don't think I've ever had to work so hard at not giggling like a twit in my life.
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Harry Potter Challenge Empty
PostSubject: Re: Harry Potter Challenge   Harry Potter Challenge EmptyThu Aug 26, 2010 7:27 pm

Day 1: Your fave book. Order of The Phoniex
Day 2: Your fave movie. Either Chamber of Secrets or The Half Blood Prince
Day 3: Is there any of the films adaptations that have made you angry because they’ve ignored important parts of the book. There are a LOT of things that they have left out that they needed to keep in! I watched the first several movies before I read the books and I was SO confused!
Day 4: Least fave female character and why. Umbridge, because she's a blast ended skank. enough said.
Day 5: Fave male character and why. Neville, he is the bomb!!!! I love him! He's just a clumsy, forgetful little kid in the first books, and then he becomes this really awesome guy! He's a true Gryffindor!
Day 6: What house would you want to be in. Ravenclaw, though I could be a Gryffindor, or possible even a Hufflepuff
Day 7: Fave female character and why. Luna, she's not afraid to be herself, and I really admire that
Day 8: What do you think would be your fave lesson. I think I would like Herbology, I'm a farm kid and I love working with plants (even though I'm awful at it though)
Day 9: Least fave male character. Fenrir Greyback, he's so evil!
Day 10: Horcruxes or Hallows. Horcruxes! Mwhaha! jk, I'm not really sure...
Day 11: What character would you say you are most like. Neville, I'm really klutzy and forgetful, and people are just like "oh, she's weird" but someday I will be TOTALLY AWESOME!!!! Smile I also can really relate to Harry sometimes in the later books
Day 12: Fave ship. Ron and Hermione!!! I keep trying to explain to my mom (she's only seen the 1st movie, but has heard sooo much about HP from me) that they are a cute couple, but she thinks that Harry and Hermione should had ended up together, and I'm like NOOOO, Harry and Hermione are just friends!!! Though I think that Harry/Ginny and Lupin/Tonks are really cute too.
Day 13: Least fave movie. Goblet of Fire, everything is all wrong!!!
Day 14: Team Voldermort or Team harry. Harry all they way! If I was to marry any character from the series, I would marry Harry! (Ok, I might also want to marry Fred or George, or even Neville Very Happy )
Day 15: Who would be your best friends at hogwarts. (three only) I would probably be friends with Luna, Neville, and Harry
Day 16: Fave professor Lupin!!! But I also love McGonagall. I have a teacher who reminds me of her, and even though she's strict, I really love her.
Day 17: Are you excited about The Deathly Hallows movie or scared it won’t do the book justice. Both
Day 18: Least fave book. Half Blood Prince. Truthfully I thought it was a bit boring, and it took me way longer to finish that one than the rest
Day 19: Do you prefer the books or films. Books! duh!
Day 20: If you had to meet one member of the cast, who would it be. Hmmmm, I don't know if I could pick just one person to meet.
Day 21: Out of all the characters that died, if you could bring one back, who would it be. Fred! He was such a good character, he didn't deserve to die.
Day 22: Harry Potter or Twilight Harry Potter, of course!
Day 23: Any part of the books/movies that makes you cry. Yes!!!! Many parts in the DH made me cry!
Day 24: Any particular scene you wished would have been put in the movie but it wasn't. I REALLY wish they put in the whole thing about Bill and Flur and battle thing at the end of the HPB. I love how Flur still loves Bill even though he's disfigured by Greyback. It shows that Flur isn't such a superficial snob after all.
Day 25: Nineteen years later. Are you happy how it turned out, or do you wish something was different, ie Neville married Luna. I love how things turned out, and I wouldn't want it any other way. At first I wished that Luna and Neville ended up together, but the more I think about it, the more I realize that they weren't right for each other.
Day 26: If you could be able to work one spell without a wand what would it be. Accio, it would be a very useful spell
Day 27: Would you rather own The Invisibility Cloak, The Resurrection Stone or The Elder Wand. The Invisibility Cloak, I don't think I could handle having the Resurrection Stone or Elder Wand. And plus I would love to have the ability to disappear!
Day 28: Do you listen to Wizard Wrock, what do you think about it. Yes, and I love it!
Day 29: Did you enjoy A Very Potter Musical. YES! It's my favorite, and probably the funniest thing I have, or ever will see Very Happy
Day 30: What affect has Harry Potter made on your life and how much does it mean to you. I have evolved from a dorky kid who was really unsure of herself and had no clue who she was to a complete nerd and geek kid who has discovered who she really is, and not care about what people think of me. I love Harry Potter so much!!!!
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Harry Potter Challenge Empty
PostSubject: Re: Harry Potter Challenge   Harry Potter Challenge EmptyThu Aug 26, 2010 7:55 pm

Day 1: Your fave book. Deathly Hallows, I suppose, although I really do love them all.
Day 2: Your fave movie. I guess it'd have to be Sorcerer's Stone, because they're all so cute, and it has the right Dumbledore.
Day 3: Is there any of the films adaptations that have made you angry because they’ve ignored important parts of the book. Yeah... ALL OF THEM.
Day 4: Least fave female character and why. I think it'd have to be Lavender; she's just so annoying.
Day 5: Fave male character and why. Snape, Dumbles, or Fred. Must I pick?
Day 6: What house would you want to be in. SLYTHERIN PRIDE! But I'm a Revenclaw by the hat.
Day 7: Fave female character and why. Well, in the movies, it's Bellatrix. Books, I'd have to say Hermione or Luna. I'm just so similar to both of them.
Day 8: What do you think would be your fave lesson. Class, you mean? DADA.
Day 9: Least fave male character. Crabbe just bugs the socks off me.
Day 10: Horcruxes or Hallows. "Hallows, not horcruxes.... hallows, not horcruxes...."
Day 11: What character would you say you are most like. Again, I'm a mix between Hermione and Luna, which is weird, because they're supposed to be opposites. But, there you go- I'm an insane know it all with a last name of Granger.
Day 12: Fave ship. Most canon ones, and Quirrelmort.
Day 13: Least fave movie. I really hated how much they screwed up HBP, but CoS has always been my least fav book, so, I don't love the movie, either.
Day 14: Team Voldemort or Team harry. DUMBLEDORE'S ARMY! I'll join Voldemort when hell freezes over!
Day 15: Who would be your best friends at hogwarts. (three only) Luna, Hermione, and Ginny. Maybe Harry, if I was lucky.
Day 16: Fave professor. McGonagall, Dumbles, Snape.
Day 17: Are you excited about The Deathly Hallows movie or scared it won’t do the book justice. Both, pretty much equally.
Day 18: Least fave book. CoS
Day 19: Do you prefer the books or films. Books, all the way! It doesn't really matter what series, the books are always the best.
Day 20: If you had to meet one member of the cast, who would it be. ALL OF THEM! Emma Watson, Daniel Radcliffe, Alan Rickman, Helena Bonham Carter, most of all. But right now, I'm harboring a secret craving to meet Darren Criss, big time.
Day 21: Out of all the characters that died, if you could bring one back, who would it be. Fred and Snape.
Day 23: Any part of the books/movies that makes you cry. All of DH, Dumble's death, Sirius' death... basically when anyone dies.
Day 24: Any particular scene you wished would have been put in the movie but it wasn’t. Everything they missed.... if they skip Snape's memories and death, I will be pissed.
Day 25: Nineteen years later. Are you happy how it turned out, or do you wish something was different, ie Neville married Luna. Eh, not bad. I hat thinking about them all grown up though... ):
Day 26: If you could be able to work one spell without a wand what would it be. Summoning. Then I could summon a wand and do all the rest of the spells. That's like wishing for infinity more wishes, though... (:
Day 27: Would you rather own The Invisibility Cloak, The Resurrection Stone or The Elder Wand. The Cloak. Then I could kick wiener dogs.
Day 28: Do you listen to Wizard Wrock, what do you think about it. Yes, and I love it- some of it at least. Like any kind of music, not all of it is good, not ll of it is bad.
Day 29: Did you enjoy A Very Potter Musical. Uh.... DUH. And AVPS.
Day 30: What affect has Harry Potter made on your life and how much does it mean to you. Oh, way too much to say. Starting to read Harry Potter was a defining feature in my life. It's really important to me- I compare everything to it, base my ideals off of it, learn lessons from it. Harry Potter is a lifestyle. It's made me who I am. It's not merely a book series, it's something to live by, something to cherish and pass on to younger generations. Without Harry Potter, I would be a totally different person. It means everything to me.
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Harry Potter Challenge Empty
PostSubject: Re: Harry Potter Challenge   Harry Potter Challenge EmptyThu Aug 26, 2010 8:12 pm

Day 1: Your fave book. Deathly Hallows<333
Day 2: Your fave movie. Hmmm I have to say Chamber of Secrets
Day 3: Is there any of the films adaptations that have made you angry because they’ve ignored important parts of the book. YES!!!! The potion riddle in SS, the whole Harry screaming at Dumbledore in OotP, Dobby missing in everything, every time Harry doesn't start at the Dursley's, the lack of Horcruxes/Dumbledore's funeral in HBP.... so much. And the whole "Accio Brain!" thing.
Day 4: Least fave female character and why. All of the characters we're supposed to hate I personally love reading about, so I'm gonna go with someone who has minimal character development. Millicent Bulstrode.
Day 5: Fave male character and why. That's incredibly difficult. But I have to go with Snape, because he just has such a great tragedy.
Day 6: What house would you want to be in. What house do I WANT to be in? Psh, I'm already in Ravenclaw honey Smile
Day 7: Fave female character and why. LunaLunaLuna. She's just...great.
Day 8: What do you think would be your fave lesson. **See Avatar to the left** OH wait you mean class? Charms!
Day 9: Least fave male character. I don't like Zacharias Smith.
Day 10: Horcruxes or Hallows. I hate you for asking this one Smile I have to say both, if we're talking about defeating Voldemort. But for preference I'd say Hallows.
Day 11: What character would you say you are most like. I'm sure a lot of people will say this, but Hermione. We don't really see anyone else besides Percy really excelling in school, and I'm a girl and I would hope I don't have a pompous manner.
Day 12: Fave ship. Hermione/Ron
Day 13: Least fave movie. OotP
Day 14: Team Voldermort or Team Harry. TEAM HARRY FTW
Day 15: Who would be your best friends at hogwarts. (three only) But you can only have two best friends! Fine, Hermione Luna and Ginny
Day 16: Fave professor. Flitwick
Day 17: Are you excited about The Deathly Hallows movie or scared it won’t do the book justice. I'm incredibly excited!
Day 18: Least fave book. Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging by Louise Rennison. Wink
Day 19: Do you prefer the books or films. Books! Is that a sirius question?
Day 20: If you had to meet one member of the cast, who would it be. Rupert Grint!
Day 21: Out of all the characters that died, if you could bring one back, who would it be. Fred :'(
Day 23: Any part of the books/movies that makes you cry. I cried when Dobby died.
Day 24: Any particular scene you wished would have been put in the movie but it wasn’t. A lot...see Day 3
Day 25: Nineteen years later. Are you happy how it turned out, or do you wish something was different, ie Neville married Luna. Nah I like it the way it is.
Day 26: If you could be able to work one spell without a wand what would it be. Muffliato Smile
Day 27: Would you rather own The Invisibility Cloak, The Resurrection Stone or The Elder Wand. Invisibility cloak! You know what I would do if I had an invisibility cloak, I would fake my own death and watch people cry at the funeral.
Day 28: Do you listen to Wizard Wrock, what do you think about it. I haven't listened to any Wrock.
Day 29: Did you enjoy A Very Potter Musical. DUH
Day 30: What affect has Harry Potter made on your life and how much does it mean to you. Harry Potter has given me something to do, something to look forward to, something to obsess over which is always so much fun! I became so close with my one friend because of Harry Potter, and my life would be so not-totally awesome without it. There would be so much less laughter in my life, and I would have never gotten into reading and writing. I've made so many memories through Harry Potter, and I'll never forget them. If only people didn't think of Harry Potter as a geeky fantasy novel that is completely weird and makes you a total outcast...Sometimes I think about how people view me when I ramble about HP, but then I realize that I shouldn't care about what other people think. I love this series, and I shouldn't be afraid to show it. I've gained so much self-confidence through it, and have learned so many life lessons. Hogwarts has always been the place I go to when I want to escape this world, because I know that I will always be welcome there, and I can visit whenever I want. My life has been completely altered because of Harry Potter and I'm happy about that change.
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Harry Potter Challenge Empty
PostSubject: Re: Harry Potter Challenge   Harry Potter Challenge EmptyFri Aug 27, 2010 8:47 pm

Day 1: Your fave book. a tie between GOF and DH
Day 2: Your fave movie. Chamber of Secrets. Its very loyal to the book, and Ginny is interduced as a character.
Day 3: Is there any of the films adaptations that have made you angry because they’ve ignored important parts of the book. Yes, mostly OOTP and HBP, they were HogSh*t
Day 4: Least fave female character and why. Lavender annoyed me in all the books, although I really can't think of a character I hate, because even the baddies are well written.
Day 5: Fave male character and why. Neville! I love him, I love how cluless he is, and how he has self confidence issues throughout the book, but finally steps up in DH.
Day 6: What house would you want to be in. I don't really think you choose. I would prob. get put it Hufflepuff.
Day 7: Fave female character and why. Hermione Very Happy I just love how independent she is, her know-it-all qualities and how she looks out for Ron and Harry.
Day 8: What do you think would be your fave lesson? Charms
Day 9: Least fave male character : again, the charcaters are extremely well written, so It would be hard for me to choose one I didn't like.
Day 10: Horcruxes or Hallows. Horcruxes would be cool to have, except to have to kill someone to get one, so I'd go for Hallows.
Day 11: What character would you say you are most like. I could be the she-version of Neville :-)
Day 12: Fave ship. Ron/Hermione, Obviously, hence my name Wink
Day 13: Least fave movie. and grand tie b/w OOTP and HBP, which both pissed me off.
Day 14: Team Voldermort or Team harry. Team Harry, obviously
Day 15: Who would be your best friends at hogwarts. (three only) Neville, Luna and Ginny.
Day 16: Fave professor Hmmm... I can't choose.
Day 17: Are you excited about The Deathly Hallows movie or scared it won’t do the book justice. Well, I am worried, and will be until I see it, but after reading the reviews on Mugglenet, I have some hope for it.
Day 18: Least fave book. HBP, I don't like Ron it it for dating Lavender, adn Dumbledore diying makes me cry.
Day 19: Do you prefer the books or films. Books, obviously...
Day 20: If you had to meet one member of the cast, who would it be. The guy that plays Neviile, or the actors who play the twins
Day 21: Out of all the characters that died, if you could bring one back, who would it be. Fred, It wouldn't be fair to only be able to bring Tonks or Lupin abck if they couldn't be together.
Day 22: Harry Potter or Twilight? Well, this is a pointless question. I could go on forever on how Harry Potter is better, but I won't.
Day 23: Any part of the books/movies that makes you cry. The deaths </3
Day 24: Any particular scene you wished would have been put in the movie but it wasn’t. There are many. for example, Harry/Ginny kiss, Snapes worst memory, SPEW, and a lot more, I could go on forever...
Day 25: Nineteen years later. Are you happy how it turned out, or do you wish something was different, ie Neville married Luna. I always pretend Neviile married Luna anyway, so I'm pretty happy with how everything ended, I just wish we could've know what happened with the rest of the characters.
Day 26: If you could be able to work one spell without a wand what would it be. Accio. It would be so useful.
Day 27: Would you rather own The Invisibility Cloak, The Resurrection Stone or The Elder Wand. The Cloak.I could skip the boring classes after I got tallied for attendance. :-)
Day 28: Do you listen to Wizard Wrock, what do you think about it. I'm new to it, I only listen to Ministry Of Magic though
Day 29: Did you enjoy A Very Potter Musical. YUS! best thing I every discovered, thanks to AW Smile
Day 30: What affect has Harry Potter made on your life and how much does it mean to you. Harry Potter is what got me into reading, and made my life magical, in fact I can't imagine what my life would be like if I had never read it. Harry Potter lead me to a girl, who is now my Best Friend, even after 8 years. Harry Potter helped me learn improtant life lessons, and I love that I get more out of it the older I am when I re-read the series.
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PostSubject: Re: Harry Potter Challenge   Harry Potter Challenge EmptyWed Sep 01, 2010 9:33 am

Day 1: Your fave book. Prisoner of Azkaban or Deathly Hallows
Day 2: Your fave movie. Chamber of Secrets, even though it was my least favourite book; they all started to go downhill from there, and they're all still adorable <3
Day 3: Is there any of the films adaptations that have made you angry because they’ve ignored important parts of the book? I hated how they missed Christmas in PoA; I missed Ludo Bagman, Dobby, and Winky in GoF; I missed all the awesome Quidditch matches; the Dumbledore/Harry talks in OotP and HBP; I didn't like how the Burrow was burnt down in HBP; and I didn't like how Ron and Hermione's relationship was exaggerated when they were in the Hospital Wing in HBP (I love them, I just don't think it was done quite right). I'm just picky Razz
Day 4: Least fave female character and why. Umbridge and Rita Skeeter; Umbridge because she's simply horrible and a pure sadist; Skeeter because she makes up awful lies (I hate Lockhart for the same reasons, but at least he's funny).
Day 5: Fave male character and why. I can't choose this ... Harry because he's gone through so much, Ron because he's so incredibly loyal, Neville because he cheeked the Carrows, Snape because of 'The Prince's Tale' *sob*, Remus because he's so honourable and he's been through a lot, too, Dumbledore because he's just AWESOME, and Regulus Black because he was such hero, but no one knew Sad
Day 6: What house would you want to be in. Ravenclaw, because I think I'd fit in Smile
Day 7: Fave female character and why. Hermione, because she's my role model in terms of work ethic Smile
Day 8: What do you think would be your fave lesson. All of them!! Possibly Care of Magical Creatures, Charms, Potions, Transfiguration, or Arithmancy.
Day 9: Least fave male character. Lockhart, because he lies all the bloody time and is SO conceited.
Day 10: Horcruxes or Hallows. Hallows.
Day 11: What character would you say you are most like. Hermione - I love reading and school, and if I missed my last year of school, I'd go back and do it again Smile
Day 12: Fave ship. Ron/Hermione
Day 13: Least fave movie. OotP. Too emo ...
Day 14: Team Voldermort or Team harry. Team Harry! But Team Joe Walker Wink
Day 15: Who would be your best friends at hogwarts? (three only) LUNA!! Then probably Ginny and Hermione Smile
Day 16: Fave professor Professor McGonagall (aka Professor McBadass!!)
Day 17: Are you excited about The Deathly Hallows movie or scared it won’t do the book justice? I'm mostly excited, because judging from the screen test reviews, it'll stick to the book pretty well Smile
Day 18: Least fave book. Chamber of Secrets
Day 19: Do you prefer the books or films. What kind of a question is that?? Books, of course!!
Day 20: If you had to meet one member of the cast, who would it be? I would trade in one member of the cast for all the StarKids; of the cast, probably Dan or Rupert Smile
Day 21: Out of all the characters that died, if you could bring one back, who would it be? I can't choose this!! They all have equally good reasons to live!
Day 22: Harry Potter or Twilight Would I be doing this questionairre at 11:30pm on a schoolnight if I picked Twilight???
Day 23: Any part of the books/movies that makes you cry. The first and last few chapters of DH, as well as the one where Dobby dies Sad
Day 24: Any particular scene you wished would have been put in the movie but it wasn’t. Quidditch World Cup, Harry/Ginny kiss, when they won the Quidditch Cup in PoA ... etc.
Day 25: Nineteen years later. Are you happy how it turned out, or do you wish something was different, ie Neville married Luna. Apart from that Fred, Lupin and Tonks died, it turned out well; I wish Neville and Luna had gotten together, but at least they both ended up happy Smile
Day 26: If you could be able to work one spell without a wand what would it be. I would cast a flying charm on a broomstick so that I could fly <3
Day 27: Would you rather own The Invisibility Cloak, The Resurrection Stone or The Elder Wand. Cloak. Then I'd kick weiner dogs and pretend to be a ghost and scare mean people.
Day 28: Do you listen to Wizard Wrock, what do you think about it. I don't yet, but once I finish school this year, I will - I even have a list of Wrock bands I've been compiling from the comments on AW Smile
Day 29: Did you enjoy A Very Potter Musical. HELL YES!! You could probably tell that before you read this, though Razz
Day 30: What affect has Harry Potter made on your life and how much does it mean to you. I have loved Harry Potter for a decade; it has changed my life, I don't know what I'd be like if I wasn't a HP nerd Smile It was the first book series I really read, and I have been reading ever since; half my vocabulary comes from HP. JKR is my role model, she's created an amazing escape for people of all ages Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Harry Potter Challenge   Harry Potter Challenge EmptyWed Sep 01, 2010 7:36 pm

Day 1: Your fave book. Umm probably Goblet of Fire and Deathly Hallows
Day 2: Your fave movie. The first one, then the second one, after those they just all go to shit.
Day 3: Is there any of the films adaptations that have made you angry because they’ve ignored important parts of the book. Umm... all of them? Admittedly the first two weren't that bad, but after that they leave out important plot points, AND they just can't act...
Day 4: Least fave female character and why. Umm probably Cho Chang because she is way too whiny and she just pisses me off at times, I mean her best friend betrayed her and she was still defending her... just saying...
Day 5: Fave male character and why. ooooooo That's a hard one... Movie version Draco and Voldie, book version..... ummmmm ...... ummmmm I CAN'T CHOOSE I mean I LOVE Fred, but I also love Dumbly, and Sirius, and ALL OF THEM!!!!! ..... but i think mainly those three..... maybe.... >.<
Day 6: What house would you want to be in. Slytherin all the way Razz
Day 7: Fave female character and why. Movie: Bellatrix Smile Books: umm..... again I CAN'T CHOOSE I guess I like Ginny, Hermione, Tonks, LUNA,
Day 8: What do you think would be your fave lesson. Ummm I can't choose, I think I would really like DADA and Charms though, oh and astronomy!
Day 9: Least fave male character. Umm.... Fudge, Lockhart, and probably Scrimgeour (I know he died protecting Harry but he was still an asshole before that)
Day 10: Horcruxes or Hallows. Horcruxes!!! (What can I say I'm a slytherin, and even though you have to kill people and the process is supposedly horrible.... it just makes more sense in my mind.....)
Day 11: What character would you say you are most like. I'm more a mix of people... I mean I read books like Hermione, but I'm manipulative and I know how to get what I want like Draco, but I'm loyal to my friends like Harry, but I eat like Ron, but I'm kind of crazy like movie Bellatrix.
Day 12: Fave ship. Books: I really liked how everyone ended up, though I do wish Neville and Luna had gotten together Sad Fanfics: It depends who's writing it...
Day 13: Least fave movie. oh gosh they are all so fucked up..... but I probably gotta go with Half-Blood Prince.
Day 14: Team Voldermort or Team harry. Ok movie version, DEFINITELY VOLDIE!!!!! but book version... even though I'm a Slytherin I gotta say team Harry Sad
Day 15: Who would be your best friends at hogwarts. (three only) Fred, George, and Luna. (But if we can put the twins together and pretend they are one person I'll add Draco in Very Happy )
Day 16: Fave professor oooooo That's a hard one.... But I probs gotta go with Dumbles, then McGonagall, then Lupin.
Day 17: Are you excited about The Deathly Hallows movie or scared it won’t do the book justice. scared that it won't do the book justice, because I know it won't
Day 18: Least fave book. Umm I kinda love them all <3 ....but if I HAVE to choose probably Order of the Phoenix because Harry is super pissy, but mostly because Sirius dies Sad
Day 19: Do you prefer the books or films. Is that even a real question?!?!?!?!?!
Day 20: If you had to meet one member of the cast, who would it be. Helena Bonham Carter (or the original Dumbledore before he died :'( )
Day 21: Out of all the characters that died, if you could bring one back, who would it be. Fred, I really loved him <3
Day 22: Harry Potter or Twilight Ok why is this question even here?
Day 23: Any part of the books/movies that makes you cry. The only part that really gets to me is when Fawkes leaves after Dumbledore died, the actual death doesn't make me cry, but when Fawkes finishes his song and leaves.
Day 24: Any particular scene you wished would have been put in the movie but it wasn’t. Every part that they took out?
Day 25: Nineteen years later. Are you happy how it turned out, or do you wish something was different, ie Neville married Luna. I wish there was more to it, and yes that Neville married Luna, and obviously that Fred was alive an married me Smile
Day 26: If you could be able to work one spell without a wand what would it be. Accio, cause it's handy and so I could get food super easily from my kitchen Smile yay for laziness!!!!!
Day 27: Would you rather own The Invisibility Cloak, The Resurrection Stone or The Elder Wand. Invisibility Cloak, hands down.
Day 28: Do you listen to Wizard Wrock, what do you think about it. LOVE!
Day 29: Did you enjoy A Very Potter Musical. How could I not?!?!?!
Day 30: What affect has Harry Potter made on your life and how much does it mean to you. Well it got me more into reading when I was younger, and now I'm a complete bookaholic, and it's Harry Potter... It's been in my life for as long as I can remember basically, it's just one of those things you know?
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PostSubject: Re: Harry Potter Challenge   Harry Potter Challenge EmptyThu Sep 02, 2010 3:58 pm

Day 1: Your fave book. SS by default, but other than that, DH
Day 2: Your fave movie. SS- it's the most magical. Smile
Day 3: Is there any of the films adaptations that have made you angry because they’ve ignored important parts of the book. Let's see here, PoA, GoF, OoTP, and HBP. So far. Let's see if DH turns out like the last two.
Day 4: Least fave female character and why. It'd have to be Cho or Lavender. They're both annoying and every time I see their names on the page, I want to rip their heads off. Cho seems kind of too perfect- but that might have just been how Harry saw her in GoF and OoTP. But I hate 'em both.
Day 5: Fave male character and why. Harry Freakin' Potter! And Ron, Remus, Sirius, Voldemort, Dumbledore, and pretty much everyone else. (and Dobby if he counts!)
Day 6: What house would you want to be in. Ravenclaw, but Slytherin wouldn't be too bad with my excessive sarcasm and pessimistic attitude at times.
Day 7: Fave female character and why. It'd have to be Hermione because I relate with her the most. But other than her, it'd be either Luna or Tonks.
Day 8: What do you think would be your fave lesson. Definitely Charms. Seems like such a fun class.

Day 9: Least fave male character. Oh gosh, um. . . Fudge or Lockhart
Day 10: Horcruxes or Hallows. Having a Horcrux would be pretty awesome, it's just that I'm not too into the whole "I'm gonna go kill people so I can be virtually invincible" thing. So I'll go with Hallows.
Day 11: What character would you say you are most like. I'd say Hermione. But I have dubbed myself a "black hole" because of my appetite (more-so when there's good food around), so possibly Ron in that area. Smile
Day 12: Fave ship. I was generally happy how it all ended with the relationships in the books, but I had always assumed Neville and Luna would end up together.
Day 13: Least fave movie. OoTP or HBP
Day 14: Team Voldemort or Team harry. Reading the books I was Team Harry for obvious reasons, but it'd be cool to root for the bad guy once in a while.
Day 15: Who would be your best friends at hogwarts. (three only) I'd think Hermione, but maybe our similar personalities would clash a little. I think after I got to know Luna I'd be friends with her too.
Day 16: Fave professor McGonagall
Day 17: Are you excited about The Deathly Hallows movie or scared it won’t do the book justice. A little of both, actually. I have a countdown for the release on my calendar, but at the same time I'm kind of leery about the movie.
Day 18: Least fave book. CoS or GoF
Day 19: Do you prefer the books or films. Was that really necessary? Of course my answer is the books. I don't personally know a movie that's better than the book.
Day 20: If you had to meet one member of the cast, who would it be. That's a toughie.... I actually don't know....
Day 21: Out of all the characters that died, if you could bring one back, who would it be. Um.... do I have to choose? There's too many!
Day 22: Harry Potter or Twilight Another unnecessary question. Harry Potter. I read Twilight and went through a little Twilight-phase that lasted round a month *cringes at the memory*, but then I came to my senses and a little while later my full-out HP obsession kicked in.
Day 23: Any part of the books/movies that makes you cry. I typically don't die at deaths in books but rather the aftermath. I did get teary eyed when Fred died and the "the world had ended so why had the battle not ceased" thing. Sorry if I didn't get the quote right. But also when Harry's walking to his death and Prince's Tale Ch.
Day 24: Any particular scene you wished would have been put in the movie but it wasn’t. There's A LOT. As in, everything that's not in the movie.
Day 25: Nineteen years later. Are you happy how it turned out, or do you wish something was different, ie Neville married Luna. Definitely Neville/Luna, but other than that I was pretty happy with it. JK didn't over-do it, nor did she leave too much out.
Day 26: If you could be able to work one spell without a wand what would it be. Hmm.... Avada Kedavra. Kidding, I'm not that mean. Probably Accio. It'd support my laziness, but it'd be so convenient!
Day 27: Would you rather own The Invisibility Cloak, The Resurrection Stone or The Elder Wand. Invisibility Cloak. Aaah, that'd be totally awesome!
Day 28: Do you listen to Wizard Wrock, what do you think about it. I have a few songs, but I still have to discover it (there's so much!). But generally, I like it, but I still have to get used to it.
Day 29: Did you enjoy A Very Potter Musical. No *sarcastically*
Day 30: What affect has Harry Potter made on your life and how much does it mean to you. It didn't affect me in some dramatic way that saved my life, but in the little things. My friends used to (and still do) give me a hard time about always studying, doing HW the day it was assigned, and being paranoid about tests, and love for learning. But after I was reunited with the magical world of HP in the form of an all-out obsession, I realized that it didn't matter what they thought of me. Hermione was bullied because of her bookworm personality and there's a whole House for who I was! But Harry has an amazing story and JK told it so well. There's so much hidden within those pages and it can impact anyone. It really is a beautiful series.
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Harry Potter Challenge Empty
PostSubject: Re: Harry Potter Challenge   Harry Potter Challenge EmptyFri Sep 03, 2010 12:13 am


First, did you draw Ducky in your avatar? I love the Land Before Time! But Ducky annoyed me sometimes. I liked Chomper and Littlefoot the best though. ^_^

I have a Yahoo widget on my desktop that countsdown the days until DH!

Ugh, I went through the Twilight phase too. *Shudders* Luckily, that only lasted for about two months and the movie was so bad that it brought me to my senses.

And that is all(:
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PostSubject: Re: Harry Potter Challenge   Harry Potter Challenge EmptyFri Sep 03, 2010 10:43 am

myfriendisdobby wrote:

First, did you draw Ducky in your avatar? I love the Land Before Time! But Ducky annoyed me sometimes. I liked Chomper and Littlefoot the best though. ^_^

Yeah, I drew her. I found a How-To-Draw Ducky on the internet, so I couldn't help but draw her. I also drew Chomper and Littlefoot. Smile I'm planning on drawing the rest (Cera, Petri, and Spike) too and scan them on the computer and put them all together and make that my avatar.

Ducky's my favorite. Smile But I also love Petri and Cera and Littlefoot and. . . You know what? I love 'em all.
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PostSubject: Re: Harry Potter Challenge   Harry Potter Challenge EmptyFri Sep 03, 2010 1:36 pm

NTonksAuror wrote:
myfriendisdobby wrote:

First, did you draw Ducky in your avatar? I love the Land Before Time! But Ducky annoyed me sometimes. I liked Chomper and Littlefoot the best though. ^_^

Yeah, I drew her. I found a How-To-Draw Ducky on the internet, so I couldn't help but draw her. I also drew Chomper and Littlefoot. Smile I'm planning on drawing the rest (Cera, Petri, and Spike) too and scan them on the computer and put them all together and make that my avatar.

Ducky's my favorite. Smile But I also love Petri and Cera and Littlefoot and. . . You know what? I love 'em all.

Ah! That's gonna be an awesome avatar! (: I forgot about Petri!! I love him! And Spike. Actually, you're right. They're all great.
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Harry Potter Challenge Empty
PostSubject: Re: Harry Potter Challenge   Harry Potter Challenge EmptyThu Nov 04, 2010 1:02 am

Day 1: Your fave book.
Prisoner of Azkaban and Order of the Phoenix. Don't make me choose.
Day 2: Your fave movie.
Hmm...Order of the Phoenix maybe.
Day 3: Is there any of the films adaptations that have made you angry because they’ve ignored important parts of the book.
Yes, Many things, most of which I can't think of right now but drive me crazy. How about leaving Peeves out entirely? Just trying to answer this question make me mad. Oh, and Harry and Dumbledore discussing his inheritance at the beginning of the sixth movie. Lupin and Tonks already being together at the beginning of the sixth movie instead of the end, and Bill not getting attacked, and no Bill and Fleur. There are too many things to write down here.
Day 4: Least fave female character and why.
That's between Umbridge and Lavender Brown, they are both incredibly annoying, also I very much dislike Romilda Vane. She seems very muggly to me.
Day 5: Fave male character and why.
I love Lupin in the books, not as much in the movies, also James and Sirius in the books. Why? Cause their the freakin' marauders, enough said.
Day 6: What house would you want to be in.
Well, all the quizzes I've taken have said I'm in Gryffindor, which is perfectly okay with me. Apparently that's my first place, and Slytherin is my second. I guess I have something in common with Harry.
Day 7: Fave female character and why.
I like Tonk's cause she's a kick ass auror, but she does whine too much about Lupin. Going as her to the premiere on the 19th. Yay!
Day 8: What do you think would be your fave lesson.
I would definitely have to go with defense against the dark arts.
Day 9: Least fave male character.
I don't like Crouch, and I don't like Cedric's dad.
Day 10: Horcruxes or Hallows.
Hallows I suppose, if I have to choose.
Day 11: What character would you say you are most like.
Ron maybe, or Tonks, I don't really know.
Day 12: Fave ship.
Lily and James, Tonks and Lupin. not a big fan of Ron and Hermione but w.e.
Day 13: Least fave movie.
Ummm... None of them really stand out as the worst, but compared to the books...
Day 14: Team Voldermort or Team harry.
Team Harry of course, who isn't rooting for the sad little martyr who's lost everything to kill Voldy?
Day 15: Who would be your best friends at hogwarts. (three only)
Fred and George, and maybe Luna. I always seem to make friends with the weird ones, they are so much more interesting.
Day 16: Fave professor
Lupin, cause he's my favorite character.
Day 17: Are you excited about The Deathly Hallows movie or scared it won’t do the book justice.
I am very excited. I try not to compare the movie to the books and just enjoy them for what they are.
Day 18: Least fave book.
I love them all!
Day 19: Do you prefer the books or films.
Obviously the books, I mean come on.
Day 20: If you had to meet one member of the cast, who would it be.
Oh my god, that's a tough one, maybe Rupert or Daniel, or Alan Rickman, tough choice.
Day 21: Out of all the characters that died, if you could bring one back, who would it be.
Probably Lupin or Tonks or Sirius. I know that's not one, sorry.
Day 22: Harry Potter or Twilight
Are we even allowed to write that word on a Harry Potter site? It burns my eyes! Aargh!
Day 23: Any part of the books/movies that makes you cry.
Not a big crier but I think the saddest parts for me were Sirius' death, hoe Lupin has to hold Harry back, also when Harry visits his parents graves, when Dobby dies, when Fred dies and when Harry sees Lupin and Tonks dead in the great hall.
Day 24: Any particular scene you wished would have been put in the movie but it wasn’t.
Lots of them. How about how Harry and Ginny's first kiss was really supposed to go down? Also when Harry and Dumbledore are discussing his inheritance with the Dursleys.
Day 25: Nineteen years later. Are you happy how it turned out, or do you wish something was different, ie Neville married Luna.
That scene was kind of sappy but it also made me smile. I think JKR wrote this so that she wouldn't really have the option of writing another book even if she was tempted.
Day 26: If you could be able to work one spell without a wand what would it be.
Definitely Dumbledore's invisibility thing that he doesn't need a cloak for.
Day 27: Would you rather own The Invisibility Cloak, The Resurrection Stone or The Elder Wand.
Invisibility cloak, no doubt.
Day 28: Do you listen to Wizard Wrock, what do you think about it.
I have only recently heard of this but am definitely planning on checking it out. Am very excited.
Day 29: Did you enjoy A Very Potter Musical.
Yes, it was so funny, I loved it.
Day 30: What affect has Harry Potter made on your life and how much does it mean to you.[/quote]
It has had a huge affect on my life, it is pretty much my favorite thing ever and I am completely obsessed to the point that it scares my friends and family, but they just don't understand how amazing it is. I still wish Hogwarts was real.
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Harry Potter Challenge Empty
PostSubject: Re: Harry Potter Challenge   Harry Potter Challenge EmptyWed Feb 09, 2011 10:36 pm

I'm ust going to answer these all now because I have time Smile
1. I loooove The Order of the Phoenix and Sorcerer's Stone
2. Sorcerer's Stone, definitely.
3. Pretty much every single movie. But I was SO PISSED that Dumbledore and Harry's talk completely sucked at the end of the 5th one.
4. Umbridge is a close second, but I hated Pansy Parkinson the most. Just because she was so mean to Hermione.
5. I love Lupin so so so so much. But I gotta go with Dumbledore. His speeches make my heart melt <3
6. Oh gosh, this is hard. I would love to be in Gryffindor of course, but I think I would most likely be in Hufflepuff. That's perfectly fine with me though Smile
7. I like so many of them! I really like McGonagall thoughh. How she was so strict, but really cared about Harry and would do anything for him.
8. Divination. I like to decide my own fate, thank you very much!
9. Peter Pettigrew. What a horrible person.
10. Neither. But Hallows if I had to choose between them.
11. Kind of a cross between Luna and Hermione. Actually, I just wish I was like them I think Smile
12. I don;t really know how to answer this...
13. The Half Blood Prince
14. Harry Potter FTW
15. Ah. I kind of wish all of them would be my friends haha. But probably Luna, Hermione, and Harry.
16. Like I said before, McGonagall. I also lovedd Lupin.
17. I'm excited! I know it won't do the book justice, that's just the way things are.
18. I can't even answer this.
19. Boooooooks.
20. Emma Watson. I want to be like her when I grow up Smile
21. Only one!? Either Lupin or Fred.
22. Do I even need to answer. Harry Potter.
23. There are wayy too many to list.
24. Dumbledore and Harry's talk at the end of the 5th one!
25. No, I didn't really want Neville to marry Luna at all actually. But the end was kinda cheesy to me. I think it would have been cool if they got rid of the houses. Like when the Sorting Hat burned, they decided to unite Hogwarts as one. It's just a thought.
26. Patronus Smile
27. Invisibility cloak.
28. I don't.
30. Oh god, don't even get me started. I have meet sooo many friends because of Harry Potter. And this might sound super corny, but it has actually inspired me a lot. I strive to be like the characters, and I share a bunch of their values. The story is just so beautifully told, anybody can relate to it.
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Harry Potter Challenge Empty
PostSubject: Re: Harry Potter Challenge   Harry Potter Challenge EmptyFri Mar 04, 2011 6:53 am

Day 1: Your fav book? Deathly Hallows (before that, it was Prisoner of Azkaban)
Day 2: Your fav movie? Deathly Hallows Part 1 (used to be CoS, because it was so close to the book)
Day 3: Is there any of the films adaptations that have made you angry because they’ve ignored important parts of the book? Prisoner of Azkaban made me angriest - I wasn't used to movie adaptations of books and I remember using that movie in an English speech as an example of why books are always better than their movies.
Day 4: Least fav female character and why. Umbridge and Rita Skeeter, I can't decide who's worse, they're both so horrible - Umbridge is a big fat racist, and Rita Skeeter tells horrible lies, which I really can't tolerate (OK, Umbridge is probably worse in character, but they both tick me off equally!).
Day 5: Fav male character and why. Lupin, because he's so calm and smart and cares so much about everyone he loves.
Day 6: What house would you want to be in? Ravenclaw!!
Day 7: Fav female character and why. Hermione, Luna and Ginny - Hermione, because she's the rock of the Trio; Luna, because she's so quirky and awesome; Ginny, because she's just awesome.
Day 8: What do you think would be your fave lesson? I'm such a nerd, I'd probably just love all of them.
Day 9: Least fav male character. Pettigrew - the Gryffindor who died like a Slytherin.
Day 10: Horcruxes or Hallows? If it's one or the other, Hallows, but if I could choose neither, then I would.
Day 11: What character would you say you are most like? Hermione, but with nowhere near as much courage.
Day 12: Fav ship? Ron x Hermione <3
Day 13: Least fav movie? Order of the Phoenix
Day 14: Team Voldemort or Team Harry? Team Harry!
Day 15: Who would be your best friends at hogwarts (three only)? Luna, Hermione and Ron Smile
Day 16: Fav professor? Professor Lupin, becuase he's awesome!
Day 17: Are you excited about The Deathly Hallows movie or scared it won’t do the book justice? I'm incredibly excited, but I really don't want them to screw it up!
Day 18: Least fav book? Chamber of Secrets - it doesn't have much backstory, it doesn't contribute (obviously) to the overall plot, and it has very little of the excitement of discovery that the first one had.
Day 19: Do you prefer the books or films? Is that even a question? Books!
Day 20: If you had to meet one member of the cast, who would it be? Umm ... I can't decide between Emma Watson and Tom Felton.
Day 21: Out of all the characters that died, if you could bring one back, who would it be? Colin Creevey - he was too young.
Day 22: Harry Potter or Twilight? I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that the answer is obvious.
Day 23: Any part of the books/movies that makes you cry? The interview with the Diggorys at the end of GoF; when Harry's possessed at the end of OotP and he thinks about Sirius; Dumbledore's death; when Harry and Lupin fought in Grimmauld Place; whenever someone died in DH; bits of The Prince's Tale; ALL of The Forest Again; when Ron leaves them; and when Hermione snaps Harry's wand.
Day 24: Any particular scene you wished would have been put in the movie but it wasn’t? The Quidditch World Cup in GoF; the Hogwarts Quidditch tournament in PoA.
Day 25: Nineteen years later. Are you happy how it turned out, or do you wish something was different, ie Neville married Luna? I was so happy after reading the Epilogue I skipped and laughed around the house for a bit.
Day 26: If you could be able to work one spell without a wand what would it be? Flying charm, so I could fly on a broomstick!
Day 27: Would you rather own The Invisibility Cloak, The Resurrection Stone or The Elder Wand? Invisibilty Cloak - I'd kick weiner dogs and scare mean people.
Day 28: Do you listen to Wizard Wrock, what do you think about it? It's most of the music I listen to at the moment.
Day 29: Did you enjoy A Very Potter Musical? Only a lot!
Day 30: What affect has Harry Potter made on your life and how much does it mean to you? Harry Potter has been a big part of my childhood, and an even bigger part of my teenage yeas (without it, I wouldn't have Wrock, AVPM/S, and I wouldn't like Glee, either). It's always going to be my favourite thing to read.
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